Sunday, December 18, 2011

KL here i come!


hi semua! :)

morning! how u all today? sihat ka? moga sihat dengan hendak-NYA. okay guys! kita mulakan hari kita dengan Bismillahirrahmanirrahim:)

Tomorrow is Monday! Monday blues la untuk semua yang bekerja. me too! tapi esok, i am going to KL. for a 2days course. we will stay at Star Point Hotel in Masjid Jamek. never seen the hotel before. but, i hope it will be better as Citin Hotel. the accommodation, the room, and the service is good! for me, semua tu dah cukup since we have yet to pay anything. everything is fully sponsored! from flight ticket to hotel, everything been sponsored! plus, we can claimed the meal allowance! that was the most wonderful part! :) ALHAMDULILLAH! 

Paling tak sabaq! nak jumpa my very best friend! yippie! 

*away for 2days! :)

Saturday, December 17, 2011

The New Me!


hi dear friends! i wish u all dalam kesihatan yang baik dan dilindungi oleh ALLAH dalam semua keadaan. okay, i know it's been a long time ago for not updating this blog. jawapan tetap sama, i am too busy. tapi the sincere answer is i am too LAZY! hehehe. atlast! the most correct and sincere answer has come out from myself:) okay! i admit my fault! :)

Before starts any topic, i want to apologize to all of u okay?

By the way, have u all watched Twilight The Breaking Dawn: Part I? i'm quite late to watch this sequel. however, still can watch that sequel after working hours on Friday! 

Am i too busy? hehehehe. that's the statement and comments i received from my closer friends and families. yeah! i know! i'm quite workaholic nowadays! okay. i'm not going to tell all of you what my job scope are, but, the summary of my job scope is i have to handle the financing for my branch. we need to cop up and speed up our learning process. the management level put a higher expectations on us. it's quite stressed and burdensome! but, i took it as a challenge! as i am realized that we are working in a company which is in a process to develop! 

okay! i am trying to balance up my life back as before. but, as i have been told from someone before, they pay more, they expects more! exactly! and i have no intention on changing or jump to other job anymore. i am going to stay and stick with the current company. that was my decision so far!:) hence, i'm going to settle down here! in kedah/ penang. 

But, sincerely, i'm missing my best friends so much! my closer friends so much! my social life(watching movies, bowling, karaoke) so much! but, i have to sacrifice weekend to my worklife! 
but, nevermind, i believe there must be a reason for something happen! inshaAllah! 

My very happiness moment is when my mother and my siblings are proud of me! i can see the smiling face on their face! and they thanked me! oh ALLAH! Terima kasih! saya bersyukur ke hadrat-MU Ya Allah! i always been remind from my mother. sentiasa bersyukur dgn rezeki yg Allah bagi. Manusia senang untuk bertaubat bila dalam kesusahan. tapi, manusia susah nak bersyukur bila dalam kesenangan. thank you for keeps reminding me. 

The happiest part is the wedding part! during our secondary school, my friends and I had set up a group named GOFOT (Girlhood of Fellowship, Oneself Together). biasala kan. zaman sekolah kan. seronok kan zaman sekolah dulu. in a group 10members, including me, we had so much fun during schools, after school, sports day, and hari kokurikulum. beli file sama jenis, different colours. macam2 la. time flies by. when, one by one from us, has married! happy! terharu! and paling penting, i just thought we are matured enough! best! hehehehe! semua da bekerjaya! alhamdulillah!
one of my happiness jugak tu. 

Not forgotten, my dearest friends during UKM! miss them really much! hope to see them again soon! 

Last but not least, i hope, i will be more rajin after this to update this blog! hehehe.

Thank you u all! love u! muahhh! assalamualaikum! 

Love, Yatt.

Friday, July 29, 2011

T-ara - Roly Poly

classic song ! so catchy !

T-ara - Why are You Being Like This

a nice song !

streamyx in the house !

assalam! hi! 
good news! streamyx in the house !
seronok jangan nak cakap la! boleh la yatt online sokmo!
tadekla macam kera sumbang kat rumah. hehehehe. by the way, macam mana dengan persediaan korang untuk menyambut Ramadhan? mesti korang dah banyak prepare kan? yatt pon da start beli beli  barang dengan mak. biasala. 1st ramadhan, macam macam nak masak kan? hihi. yatt pulak ta abeh abeh nervous nak masuk keje baru. sampai termasuk masuk dalam mimpi. hihi. oke. mari mengulas sedikit berkenaan fenomena Biru Kuning. Harimau Malaya! eventho Harimau Malaya gagal meneruskan saingan, tapi, as malaysian i'm proud of them. atleast, all players are malaysian. no imported player. ape ape pon. disebabkan bola jugaklah, we as malaysian gathered together ! memang terbaekklah! hihi. oke lah. nak keluar la jap. dengan si dia. pi pekena laksa Pak Shuib! memang terbaekkkklah! bye bye korang! nanti yatt update lagi okeh? *hugs and kisses*

*mak kata, yatt da patot settle down da. hehehe. 

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

a new life at hometown !

assalam. hi !
lama tak update blog ni kan? yela. lately ni busy . busy je memanjang kan? hahaha. tapi kali ni bukan busy sebab nak closing ke ape. tapi sibuk sebab yatt nak tukar keje. tengok la headline kat atas tu. maknanya, yatt akan start my new job kat my hometown!SP! tapi yatt keje kat penang. dekat jugak tu. setengah jam la jugak nak naik jambatan tu. hehehe. takpa, yang penting bulan posa ni duduk ngan mak. hehehe,, memang heaven la. sebab da lama rasanya ta berpuasa dengan family. almost 5years. including zaman study la. hehehe. oke2. yatt nak cerita. yatt dah jarang online sebab kat rumah takde sebarang internet connection. bercadang2 nak letak jugak internet connection. maybe after raya. sekarang ni bajet memang kurang. duit laju macam air. hehehe. tambahan pulak dah jadi penanam anggur sementara selama sebulan. yatt akan start keje baru 1st August ! awal Ramadhan. moga yatt akan dilimpahi dengan rahmat Allah. amin. keje pulak kat Islamic Bank. Bank Muamalat. as Loan officer. so, area Kedah and Penang, for those yang nak apply car loan, housing loan or personal loan. boleh la jumpak yatt. hehehe. okela. yatt nak stop kat sini. ni pun online kat umah my aunty. bye bye all ! nanti kalau ade masa lagi, yatt update okeh ~! pray hard for me alls ! love u all ! 

* i start miss my friends at KL already !

Friday, July 15, 2011

Friday, July 1, 2011

i'm coming home, i'm coming home

assalam. morning semua.
oke. harini aku cuti ! yeay ! after da berhempas pulas untuk closing, dapat jugakla nak merehatkan minda terus. 
aku start CL (consecutive leave) start from today, 1hb, sampai 12hb. hahaha. heaven kan? macam2 aku da pikir nak buat ape kat rumah. ape plan dengan kawan2 kat SP. sepupu2. macik2. pacik2. gila full kan? hahaha. mak aku pulak, dok cakap, aku akan balik sana terus. stay dengan dia. nak tau kenapa? nanti bila dah confirm, aku bgtau korang eh? by the way, ni khas untuk korang :)) peace yawww ! (macam AC pulak )

Thursday, June 30, 2011